Turkey Girls

My other video project has been putting together some short video tours of the Haehn Museum exhibit, “By the Work of Our Hands,” that closed on December 23rd. The exhibit explored sustainability at the monastery over the past 152 years, including land management and their various businesses. I walked through the exhibit with Sister Moira Wild, the museum director, and she simply told some of the stories on video. I do believe her favorite is the turkey story, which we have all enjoyed hearing in different forms throughout the year. Sister Dolores Super wrote about this for the Sisters’ blog last week. Her account drew on the records kept by the novices who cared for the turkeys.

I love this piece of video– the story is great, and S. Moira tells it really well. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. I’ll be posting more videos from this museum show over the next week or so. To visit them, go to http://www.sbm.osb.org/ or click here.

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One Response to Turkey Girls

  1. Randuwa says:

    Go Turkey Girls! Wonderful reflection on their history.

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