Turtles on a log and other people’s gardens

First, a photo. Last weekend and this past one, the turtles have really gotten into the sunning action. There is a log on our small pond and I see it walking back and forth from the garden. Here is the record– 13, or is it 14– and I’m not going to speculate on what’s going on down at the end there. I took photos sneaking closer and closer. After this one they started to jump off.

I’ve been meaning to post– really. What with meetings and gardening, though, I haven’t gotten to it. I did stop and take photos of some of the excellent gardens I pass on my way to and from work every day. Once you get into this stuff, it does kind of consume you. It is not good that I am a worrier, because the winds and heat are wreaking havoc on my newly-planted tomato plants, that are really unsheltered out there. Not to mention the things that are and are not popping up out of the mounds for zucchini, squash, pumpkins, gourds… The good news is, there will be cucumbers.

Now to the gardens. This first is my favorite. It is just so beautiful, nicely fenced, orderly and spacious. Any vegetable garden with flowers at the entrance is also a good thing!
And look at those lilacs on the alley!
This is Rita Palmsersheim’s garden. She is a serious gardener, our friend from up the street who is in her 80s and along with her husband Maurice (pronounced Morris), continues to play the accordion. Her rhubarb are so small and tidy, with tender, small stalks. My rhubarb are rather out of control. All her rows are marked with the names of the crop, of course.
But look at this photo, which I found mysterious. I’ll have to ask her about it– or maybe someone can explain? She has pulled twine down the row (don’t mind the green thing, that’s just a hose) to keep it straight. The twine is wrapped around a stick with a pointed end, and she’s clealry pushed it into the ground and planted something– onions?
One thing is certain– I have a lot to learn. And I’d better ask these people before the knowledge is lost.
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