One thing I very much did not like about living in California (both Northern and Southern) was not getting to change out my clothes seasonally. Although I always tend to buy clothes throughout the year, so it wasn’t like I never had any changes, it just wasn’t the same as unpacking clothes put away for the season.
Today I did some major fall cleaning– most notably clearing my desk off completely and filing/recycling/ tossing lots and lots of papers– and changed over my summer to winter clothes.
It’s hard to believe I could forget clothes I packed in a suitcase just a few months ago. Noneheless, I always smile to unpack items I wasn’t counting on. This time, it was the black corduroys, which I wear a lot in the winter but forgot I had. I was also happy to see all the turtlenecks and other plain, knit shirts I depend on under sweaters. I do like my clothes, which are simple and durable, and it was good to arrange them on the closet shelves and in the dresser. The sweaters seem to dramatically increase my wardrobe as I hang them up, since I’ve been depending on the few “in-between” items I keep out year ’round.
And as I put my t-shirts and shorts and all those lightweight things into the suitcase, I can guess what pleasant surprises will greet me next June. There is the pretty recently purchased beaded, crinkled top and the Gap capris I’ve wore all the long, warm September. After winter, I’ll enjoy unpacking my two pink cotton dresses just as much as I enjoyed pulling out my snow pants today.
Well I don't know, I live in Northern California and today I pulled a sweatshirt out of my closet. It was a sunny, bright day outside, but a little chilly in the house. The only thing I don't like about living here is there are too many other people. Hope you stay cozy this winter!