All I had left in my large freezer in the garage this past week was the free turkey I got for saving stamps last November. It was time to power down the freezer and cook that bird. Today was the day.
I went ahead and made stuffing, though when it came time to make gravy I whimped out. But the big plus with the dinner was the spinach salad. I picked the spinach from the garden. It had wintered over, with some frost on the edges, but bright green, thick, flavorful leaves growing out of a large patch of plants starting two weeks ago.
These were the last plants I harvested from in December, and when the hard frost hit, I just abandoned them. It is a true testimony of the warm winter that spinach survived– in Minnesota! I didn’t even have any cover over them.
And so, on April 1, we finished the last of the freezer storage and we ate the first of the garden produce. It was a good day that way.
It also looks like the weather and timing are right for some more liturgical planting. It’s traditional to put the potatoes in the ground on Good Friday, and if the rows get tilled this week, that’s what I’ll be doing.