Here is a photo of the lettuce/greens bed on May 2, 2012.
Here is a photo of the same bed on June 6, 2012.
The butter lettuce has been eaten, wilted and pulled out. The mizuna and spinach have bolted and I’m trying to get some seed out of a few remaining plants. The swiss chard is already out of control and the romaine that was just planted on May 2 to fill in some bare spots is already making full heads.
I harvested and pulled up a lot of the leaf lettuce and spinach just to make room for vining beans, which are already rushing toward the rudimentary trellises I built for them.
The peas have gorgeous purple flowers on them and the beets are in their last stage of growth. All the potato plants have survived hilling and now can just grow.
Meanwhile, there are actually large green tomatoes on three of the cherry tomato plants. I always have a lot of angst over the tomato plants, and the four Polish Linguisa plants I put in a few days ago are kind of suffering, but I’m hoping they’ll recover and thrive so I’ll have real canned tomatoes in the winter.
I’ll be away for a week at a writing conference June 17-23. When I come back, it will be harvest, harvest, harvest, and moving into a whole new world of summer vegetable eating.
Today I plant the very last bed: winter squash, pumpkins and watermelon. It already feels late!