
farm wintry in aprilHello! I know I need to blog today if only to move the homepage from Easter! We are ten days into the Easter season (Alleluia!) and slogging through the most unscenic time of the year here.

We’ve continued to have highs in the low 40s (or even 30s) and there is a winter storm warning through tomorrow night. We seem to be north of the storm, which could dump as much as 20 inches of snow on Southern Minnesota. Hooray for being north of the snow!

Yesterday, I scrounged up more firewood for the House of Prayer, where I work. There was no more available from the campus source, as they need all that they can get to for the maple syrup operation, but a friend donated some to the cause. Got to keep the place cozy!

prescott hooksAs you see, the snow has melted and some grass is even asserting itself. However, the garden beds are mostly frozen– no sign of the little rhubarb brains unfurling or the much-anticipated asparagus. This past weekend I was in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, giving a retreat on The Saint John’s Bible. I took the scenic route, but really, though the topography itself is quite lovely along the river, I don’t have photos worth showing. I did stop at the welcome center in Prescott, Wisconsin, where they are very proud of their fishhooks! And I was greeted by my name on a giant marquee!

The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, who run the retreat center that invited me, have a gorgeous chapel and large convent on the edge of their college, Viterbo University. I felt right at home. They have their stories, too. Sisters have been praying there continuously since the 19th century. In fact, two Sisters stayed in the adoration chapel even as a fire raged through the convent, stopping (miraculously) when it reached the large statue of St. Peter with his sword at the entrance of the ornate church.

marquee lacrosseBack here at home, we are somewhat hunkered down until it gets warm. I’ve got some freelance work and am applying myself. My seed potatoes are hopefully sprouting downstairs in a covered basket, and I’ve taken this opportunity to put myself on a modified detox diet, eating simply, small portions, mostly vegetables. My husband had the stomach flu all week, so it’s been particularly uninspiring around here. Alas, no blog-worthy recipes either.

We continue to live in hope. April showers bring May flowers, and even the peppers have germinated on the windowsill in the basement… Meanwhile, know that I am looking for blog material and will be back soon!

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0 Responses to April

  1. Kathleen says:

    You’re funny, looking for blog material and yet you proclaim the message of Hope and St Peter with his sword drawn holding back the fire! As the potatoes sprout, the peppers germinate and we detox, living in a world still cold and brown with winter, but we are hunkered down and cozy, saints in constant prayer, all because of our resurrected Savior! Fantastic 🙂