Where I Live

I don’t think I live in an unusual place. But then something happens to remind me that I do. Walking out to get the mail, I walk by our pumpkin-headed scarecrow, our usual fall decoration.

And I see that someone has hung a very large rosary around his arm.

rosary scarecrowI am 99% sure this was not an addition from someone on the farm. A number of people walk back here on the gravel road, reach this turn and see the houses and turn around, realizing it’s basically a private drive.

This, though, is a first!


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2 Responses to Where I Live

  1. Rose Kruger-Fuchs says:

    So Stearns County! Maybe a passer by prays the rosary as they walk, like my mom would say the rosary while she used her exercise bike…alternating among her 12 kids. Love it!

  2. Angela DiBiase says:

    Being Catholic myself, I can think of worse things to see ! ha ha

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