Prairie Walk

Sometimes you just have to let the prairie speak for itself. The lupine spreads every year, and the milkweed does, too. I saw my first Monarch butterfly from my window Sunday, and one today but couldn’t catch it with my camera. This post is dedicated to Cynthia, blogger at Handmade.homegrown.beautiful life who often shares beautiful photos of her garden and also has Wordless Wednesdays, a concept I’d like to employ on my blog. (Do you think I could really post without words?)
lupine 6-10-15

Lupine with some bluestem



house with oak

house with oak

yellow flowers 6-10-15

wetlands burned this spring

wetlands burned this spring

grove of oaks with spray of asters

grove of oaks with spray of asters

field of asters with rock

sole false sunflower blooming

sole false sunflower blooming

house with coop

house with coop

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