Purple P.S.

monarch blazing starWalking out the door after posting, I saw this! More purple gorgeousness! I know we talk about milkweed all the time vis a vis Monarch habitat, but the real reason we want them is as pollinators. And we’ve noticed that the Monarchs love the Blazing Stars. Last spring, Jeff stuck a few blazing star corms in my front flower garden.

front flower gardenAs you can see, that garden is a well-planned and meticulously executed space (NOT), so I was not happy about gigantic floppy plants in the front of the garden. Truth be told, they are funny and I’m always pushing them off the sidewalk as I descend. I’ll have to dig them up at the end of the season. Still, I wanted to watch what would happen. And what has happened is that there are often FOUR monarchs at a time on the plants. It’s an incredible scene.

Of course, when I go to take their picture, they flit away…

blazing star monarch 2

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3 Responses to Purple P.S.

  1. Nice to see someone has a bunch of them. I used to see them all the time when I was young, very rare now. Maybe three or four a year.

  2. susansink says:

    So sad! Our prairie is definitely a big attraction for them. We started seeing them about a month ago and write now it’s a mating frenzy. They are a constant presence outside our windows. It does give me hope for the future.

  3. Steven Heymans says:

    I had not seen this purple post until this morning.

    It was good.

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