Prairie Walk

Sometimes you just have to let the prairie speak for itself. The lupine spreads every year, and the milkweed does, too. I saw my first Monarch butterfly from my window Sunday, and one today but couldn’t catch it with my camera. This post is dedicated to Cynthia, blogger at Handmade.homegrown.beautiful life who often shares beautiful photos of her garden and also has Wordless Wednesdays, a concept I’d like to employ on my blog. (Do you think I could really post without words?)
lupine 6-10-15

Lupine with some bluestem



house with oak

house with oak

yellow flowers 6-10-15

wetlands burned this spring

wetlands burned this spring

grove of oaks with spray of asters

grove of oaks with spray of asters

field of asters with rock

sole false sunflower blooming

sole false sunflower blooming

house with coop

house with coop

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Figuring Out Onions

row onions

row of storage onions

Every year I learn many things in the garden, but usually I also have one large leap forward. The first year I discovered radishes. Last year was more a kitchen discovery: carrot top pesto, which answered the question of what to do with carrot tops.

One thing that has eluded me thus far is how to work with onions. I know that sounds silly. The very first year I gardened out here, the only crop I lost completely was my onions, which were eaten from below by something and basically disappeared one day. I still don’t know what that was about.

spring onions

newly planted onions

But that’s not the issue. Onions are ridiculously easy to grow. But I still found myself at the end of summer “using up” most of my onions in pickling and late summer eating and having hardly any for storage. I thought my problem was not having enough space to grow them, but now I’m thinking my problem is not planting onions in a way that provides a more continuous harvest for summer eating and still results in a supply of storage onions.

So in previous years, I’ve just planted a long row of onions (60-80) and then in late July/early August when the stems fall over I’ve harvested them, cured them on a bedspring in one of the barns, and used them up in September and October. I have never had a garden onion in February.

I also saw this really great video on Youtube about how to have continuous scallions. This guy grew them in a large planter and showed a pot crammed full with them. He explained you just cut what you need and they’ll grow back. He said they naturally multiplied. Like chives spreading. Another blog said not to pull what you use but cut them off with all the roots and a scrap of the bottom still in the ground and that will grow back.

So I bought a packet of green onions/scallion seeds and planted them in a planter. And seriously, it took them the whole season and they still just looked like blades of grass. Maybe if I’d brought them inside and tended to them all winter, or left it to see what happened then next spring, they might have come up and developed enough to eat. That is not my way, living from season to season, so I dumped the pot.



This year I started some in a planter under the grow lights much earlier, then transferred them out to the garden early. But I also stuck in some of the smallest seed onions I bought in the bed. They’re all thickening and growing and voila, spring onions.

I’ve kept sticking in seed onions, including in part of the bed where the beans froze and I didn’t feel like planting more beans. And you know, they can just grow there as long as they want and I’ll pick them when I’m need some.

I have no idea why it’s taken me so long to learn about spring onions from seed onions, not onion seed. It seems sorta obvious now. And seed onions are the cheapest thing ever.

I’m going to try the planter thing, too, from seed, once the greenhouse is up and running. I noticed that some scallion seeds I planted last year in a raised bed at work came up as full fledged scallions this year (though they’re going to flower quickly, it being the second year of a biannual plant). I’m thinking even if they die off in Jan/Feb, they will come back, or something will come back, in the spring. We’ll see. I could also bring them inside the coldest months and keep harvesting!!



I have my little dedicated space for shallots, and my row of what I hope will be true keeper onions, and I have found a way to grow what I hope are 60-80 more small-medium sized onions I can use in pickling and during the prime months of summer.

Continuous onions without significantly more garden space? That is something worth mastering.

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Early Eats

broccoli shrimp dish

broccoliNow that I’ve been at this several years, the blog provides a good garden diary. Last night as we dug into a plate of gorgonzola broccoli pasta, it just seemed impossibly early. And sure enough, the record shows that broccoli is usually harvested here in late June/early July.  Click here for the recipe. The early broccoli is due to planting the broccoli and cauliflower way too early in the basement and then having space in the cold frame to move them out under protection. In the past I’ve always purchased little seedlings in May.

fresh fettuciniI was kind of rushed last night at dinner, and I wish I’d consulted the blog and made a proper gorgonzola sauce, instead of melting the cheese in with the fresh pasta in the pot. I also wish I’d taken the time to toast some walnuts for the top. Still, Steve raved about it and said it was the best fresh pasta I’d ever made (um, not true). It is fun to feed a person who has worked hard and is very hungry.

bean saladazuki beansI also made a good midweek dinner with beans last week. I want to eat more beans, but I have trouble thinking of them as salad food. Azuki beans are sold in bulk at the local market, and they are irresistibly beautiful. I grilled some chicken, too, so threw the asparagus and green onions on the grill before adding to the beans and dressing. I had some cucumbers so put them in the dressing to absorb the flavors/pickle while I prepared the other ingredients and that worked well. And I did manage the toasted walnuts this time. This was delicious and I’ll definitely make it again. Don’t skimp on dressing!

Azuki Bean Salad with Ginger Dressing

Adapted from The Bean Harvest Cookbook by Ashley Miller

1 cup dried azuki beans (2.5 cups cooked)
4 large asparagus spears, lightly sautéed, steamed, or grilled and sliced (or zucchini, or broccoli, or snow peas…)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
2 green onions or scallions, white and light green parts, slit vertically and then sliced horizontally
1 cucumber, chopped

Fresh ginger dressing
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 Tbs soy sauce
1/2 tsp sugar (I used 1 tsp sweet chili sauce for the sweetness)

Prepare the beans (mine were cooked through after simmering 45 minutes). Drain and place in a bowl with salt to taste.

Prepare the dressing and add the cucumbers to marinate until the salad is assembled (10-20 minutes). Toast walnuts in heavy frying pan until lightly browned. Assemble the salad, adding the walnuts just before serving so they retain their crunch. Add a few dashes of vinegar if needed (much of it may have gone into the cukes!)

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All In

garden full 6-15-15As of last night, the garden is officially “all in.” There is something in all of the 15 raised beds, the onions, potatoes and beans are going strong and the two projects: chicken coop and squash bed, are complete.

cold frame 6-1-15It’s also nearing the end of the “first season,” namely the cold frame season. The greens and spinach are quite tired after multiple harvests. I had my first real issue when I realized that m
any of the early carrots coming up in the cold frame were actually dill plants! I tried thinning them, but now it’s even harder to tell the difference and I’m letting them be until it becomes obvious again.

broccoli 6-1-15The first big surprise is that the broccoli is heading! I started them in the basement too early, and the back and forth of very cold and very hot weather might also be panicking them toward early flowering. I planted 12 of them (in the past I’ve planted 4) and already have more started on the windowsill. I’ll probably cut the full heads and leave a few for side shoots to get a second summer season from them.

One thing I did was hill the potatoes yesterday, which also seems early (before June 1?) since I planted them only six weeks ago. The potato bags are a week behind (planted later).

potatoes and onions 6-1-15All 24 tomato plants went out yesterday, buried nearly halfway up in some cases. They look much stronger than I thought they would. As usual, the paste tomatoes seem the least sturdy, and the Supersweet 100s look the best. I’m going to wish I planted more cherry tomatoes this season. But I couldn’t resist trying some of the varieties I got seed for from a friend, and a couple unusual and saladette size. So I planted: yellow boy, supersweet 100s, bloody butcher, jet star (hybrid), Cosmonaut Volkov (my fave big tomato), Opalka paste, hog heart paste, Brave General, and two “pleated varieties that I think are much the same: Rosso Italiano and Gezhalte. Yup, that’s 10 varieties. Can’t wait to see what I get!

I planted lots and lots more carrots in the tomato beds. South side tomato bed = carrots.

squash bed 6-1-15What was most stressing me out was getting in the new squash bed. I was hoping and hoping and begging and badgering Steve to bring me a couple loads of topsoil and compost from the other side of the farm. Finally he unceremoniously dumped some topsoil that turned out to be very clay-like and unmanageable. I went back to my old method, hauling 40-lb bags of compost and topsoil from Home Depot into the truck and then from the truck up to the garden. 12 bags, or 280 lbs of the stuff. I was close to tears when he came to help by toting the last eight to the garden Sunday and brought in a scoop of compost for good measure.

squash wateringI made pseudo-raised beds, just piled up good soil mix (compost, topsoil, peat, mushroom compost) and transplanted my various squashes and melons around the border. The vines can grow out over the large patch covered with plastic to keep the weeds out and topped with straw so as not to burn up the vines. This area is a bit shady, but it gets excellent morning sun and we’ll see how it goes. I thought I was done with making new garden beds, but apparently not! This did give me 30 ft of planting, with the plastic the equivalent of 360 more feet of garden space. What with the chickens, it’s really starting to resemble a mini-farm.

biggie 6-1-15The chickens are a constant source of amusement. I can only tell two of them apart, Fred, who had the early mishap with his tail fuzz-feathers, who is mostly white-feathered and actually seems to like me best. He’ll stand at the fence and watch my activities and follow me around in the pen. There’s also “Biggie,” who is the boldest of the bunch, was the first to go outside when they were in the barn and continues to lead the pack.

In the morning when we open the door they trot out and go for a drink of water. Then they go back inside. They are inside as much as out during the day, which I think is hilarious. Hopefully soon there will be some grass/weed cover for them to lie in outside. They don’t know what to do with themselves, though they’re figuring out pecking the ground and they have plucked all the loose pine needles out of the chicken wire walls as high as they can reach. They seem to just enjoy each other’s company, and I feel an affinity with them liking the indoors as I do.

chickens 6-1-15

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Coop Update

unframed coopI’ve been avoiding a coop update for a few weeks now because the construction proceeded really pathetically. It was hard to get Steve’s help unless it was a rain day, and who wants to build a chicken coop in the rain? Finally I told him that I considered this project might be his first “fail.” He put up two rows of chicken wire but they sagged and there were large gaps between the rows. Without posts on top, the chicken wire just didn’t hold it’s shape, and neither really did the posts.
gaps in walls

gaps in walls

Finally, with the help of my brother-in-law Tim (maybe wanting my chickens to get to their own home), we got it squared up. That did a huge amount to tighten the wire. I did my part by shoveling dirt over the base of the wire so it’s buried and will hopefully deter some varmints. That said, there are gaps everywhere and the chicken wire is not terribly secure, so let’s hope no critter is brazen enough to attack them in broad daylight and they’ll be safe inside at night. When I was shoveling I saw so many worms. I think they’re gonna be happy. 

framed up coop 2I also used string to sew the two lengths of chicken wire together. This was much easier after the place was squared up than when I tried before it was finished. We still plan to staple the chicken wire to the top supports and throw some bird netting over the top. I doubt, though, that hawks would go into an enclosure like this.

chickens in the coopI didn’t make my Memorial Day deadline, but yesterday we moved the chickens to their new home. I caught two chickens!! So far I’ve been unable to get hold of them, but maybe they get slower as they get bigger. Or maybe life in the barn mellowed them out some. We brought four over last evening and I went back and got the fifth (who I just keep calling “Biggie” for some reason, making me contemplate naming them all after rappers). She was outside where I couldn’t get her yesterday.

framed coopThis morning they were out in the pen briefly, but it started raining and now all five are hanging out inside. I had thought it might be too small a coop for five chickens, but with them all inside it looks actually kind of spacious. They have a wood bar and can lay eggs in the straw. I can access the coop for egg retrieval and cleaning through the front and get into the pen to add water and food through a door. I went out and bought them a deluxe 3-gallon water fountain and a cool galvanized feeder this morning. They also have a bowl of calcium chips that helps with eggshell strength.

Someone was telling me yesterday about eating at a restaurant where the chef fed his chickens red peppers until their yolks were red! I have to admit I kind of like that idea. I doubt I can spare enough red peppers for that little experiment, but we’ll see! Meanwhile, I have more wheat grass sprouting on the counter and left them their first supplemental forage– I hope they find it.

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What is Homesteading?

Recently, more “homesteading bloggers” have been finding my blog. I am pretty sure it was the addition of “backyard chickens” to my entries. A few days ago I read an entry by a young Canadian blogger I really like at Twin Acres Homestead. She had a long entry on “Six Ways to Start Homesteading Today.” Her list surprised me, as well as her claim that you could be an owner or renter, live in the country or city, home or apartment, with or without land. It led me down an Internet rabbit hole into the question of what qualifies as modern homesteading. In a nutshell, a switch to practices that are more DIY and self-sustaining qualifies as living the “homesteading life.” That’s a pretty broad category. And it probably explains the list on Twin Acres Homestead’s blog. Here are her six ways:
  1. Plant a garden.
  2. Start composting.
  3. Bake your own bread.
  4. Make cheese.
  5. Forage for food.
  6. Make your own cleaning products.
Hydroponic Bottle Garden (19)

this garden on the 28th floor of a Sydney, Australia, apartment found at

I was surprised that making cheese was in the top six, but I see how making bread and cheese is easier for the urban set. As I tried to imagine this in a Chicago or New York apartment household I quickly envisioned the worm composter in the corner and the bottle gardens climbing up the windowsill.

photo-40Twin Acres Homestead also says that their own homesteading journey began when they brought home three ducklings. Much like my homesteading tags jumped higher when I brought home my five baby chicks. Nothing says homesteading like chickens in your basement!

Readers of my blog will know that I, a suburban/urban person all the rest of my life, came to embrace my current lifestyle on our 80 acres through Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, MiracleAnd in that book, in addition to becoming convinced I could grow food on a large enough scale for us to eat year round, I also was introduced to and started making my own cheese. I have never graduated higher than yogurt, lactic cheese, ricotta, and mozzarella, but it is easy where I live to supplement with hard cheeses bought by local cheese makers.

My own lifestyle is also tied to my identity as a thBenedictine Oblate. Of all the aspects of Benedictine spirituality, the one I was latest to embrace was “stability.” I even wrote an essay and gave a talk about stability in Scripture, where it is only found in the context of “good rule” (i.e., monarchical stability). It says nothing about staying in one place, and in fact from Abraham through the apostles, they were all nomads of one sort or another, never settling for long and even losing the Promised Land. They carried their stability with them. As a person who moved every two years, living in Atlanta, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Joliet, Reno, and Long Beach, California, before coming to Minnesota in 2005, that definition worked for me! At the end of this summer, however, I will mark seven years on this farm and ten years in Central Minnesota. I’m looking much more traditionally “stable” these days.

The original meaning of homesteading was claiming land, either through squatting or getting a deed, and working it, making it your own. So if I were going to make my own definition, I’d skip all but the most determined and settled urbanites and start with land. Here are my four criteria:

fistfull of radishes and beets1. Grow food, working toward 4-season gardening and/or a level of food independence. Kingsolver claims it takes 1/4 acre to grow most of the food for a family of four. I have considerably less cultivated, but all three families on the property get some produce, and thanks to home preserving, we now have food from the garden year round. What you can’t grow, try to buy locally. (I’m not at all a purist on this or any item. I will never give up lemons and avocados, or salmon and a lot of other things. I would like to grow enough food to sell that it would pay for my own eating-from-the-garden.)

chickens 5-1-152. Raise animals, at least a few chickens or bees. I will probably get to beekeeping in the not-too-distant future, but I’m starting with chickens. I love the idea of lambs, goats, or even a cow, but I don’t see that happening. I also don’t see myself skinning and gutting a deer anytime soon, but I’m working on renting a hunter and paying a processor to get large quantities of venison from our land. Until then, I do have this generous brother-in-law…

3. Achieve some level of energy independence. This is the get-off-the-grid part of the equation. We are lucky to have plenty of groundwater and so do not purchase water. We use propane to heat the house, which feels pretty off-the-grid until the tank is low and there’s news of a propane shortage (see coldest winter ever, 2014). We follow the solar market closely and would love to have solar panels, but right now they still feed into the grid and you buy the energy back. There is talk of wind power among the families on the farm, too.

photo-284. Make some stuff from scratch. This is the “natural living” part of the equation. Most homesteaders are trying to get rid of some chemicals, preservatives, and other processed foods. My own wake-up moment came visiting a family who live in a house above an old quarry. They said they’d switched to natural cleaning products when they realized what they were pumping into the quarry pond where they swam. It made me think of my own septic and drinking water. (This is the first time I’ve ever thought of waste not going into pipes to some centralized processing plant.) Right now I make my own laundry detergent, cleansers, and deodorant. There are definitely some gaps, but I am amazed how well especially the cleanser works, and how good the essential oils make everything smell. (And how much we’re saving on laundry detergent!!) This also really shows how one thing leads to another in homesteading, as you bond with your property in a totally different way.



As far as making food from scratch, I have enjoyed fermenting and sprouting (though I must disclose that the kombucha gave me some kind of allergy to fermented drinks so I’m not doing that anymore!) Growing food leads to this step pretty naturally. I use white sugar in my jams and the sprouts have been going to the chickens now that there are greens for the humans to eat, but I do love the processes: the pickling, the canning, the jamming, the freezing. I’m not a bread baker (my pizza crust is coming along nicely) but my husband bakes bread all winter when he’s not doing outdoor work. I don’t envision grinding my own grain, but I love making pasta from scratch with our own eggs.

IMG_8575So that’s my homestead. As in all things, it’s important not to become militant or doctrinaire about it. My Benedictine monastery neighbors also model generosity and it’s important to me to retain that value in all I do. Self-sufficiency can easily become smug and tight (I see this on a continuum from survivalist cult to Monastic farm).  Community is as much a value as stability, and fostering community means remaining engaged with those around you, not becoming isolated in your self-sufficient home. In this way the monastery has been a great example, and so is my local farming, growing community, who have shared so much wisdom with me. I think it’s something I’ve learned from living on a family compound and also in a small town– if you’re going to live with these people longer than two years, you need to develop some real virtues (patience and charity come in handy) and remain open to others. Cultivating the land and cultivating generosity alongside it are good places to start.

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Harvest Day

harvest for May 21, 2015

harvest for May 21, 2015

Thursday has become my harvest day here on the farm. I’m trying something new, focusing my harvesting here during greens season on one day a week instead of just going out there randomly for a salad or two. Sure, the other way is the most fresh ever, but I really don’t have a sense of how much I’m harvesting.

I’ve formalized my distributions a bit. One couple on the farm has agreed to go on a “modified CSA model” with me. Because the greenhouse isn’t up, I won’t have the variety or quantity I want, but instead of giving them the leftovers or letting them know when they can come and pick, I’m doing weekly deliveries, such as I am able. The other couple is offering me free eggs until my chickens start laying.

greens on scaleI started early (most CSAs around here start mid-June). This was the third week of greens. The goal was to have 10 oz of either mixed greens, spinach, or lettuce in a lovely plastic clamshell, clean and dry and delivered.

The first week I only had 6 oz of greens, but I also had a half pound of asparagus to offer. The second week I could offer an option of mixed greens or mixed greens + lettuce. This week she took 6 oz of mixed greens and 4 oz of young kale.  I love the greens mix, which has baby kale, arugula, red mustards and some ferny things. It also has tatsoi, which I didn’t like when I grew it by itself as a “winter” crop the first season of the cold frame. It is an Asian green with dark green, little round leaves. I’m finding it’s especially good in this mix for braising and topping off a stir fry. I pretty much love all these greens better as a mix than individually.

photo-42I don’t have nearly as much spinach as greens, so the other couple has received two 4-6 oz packages of spinach, and this week and last week also some of this gorgeous, tender, speckled lettuce. My brother-in-law is the only other person besides us who will eat radishes, so he has received 2 10-radish bunches.

I have to say I love putting rubber bands on the radishes (5 bunches this week, but now I’ll be between crops for a week or two– I have to learn the timing as well!) and kale, and putting the beautiful produce in the clam shells. I’m getting produce pride!

Also, it really is nice to see what I have in weight. Aside from harvesting the asparagus as it comes up and some spring onions as needed, I now have my washed produce in the fridge and can pull out handfuls of greens for sautéing or salads as the week goes by. Steve likes it, too, because he’ll have a salad when he’s home for lunch and otherwise he doesn’t know what veggies are available.

spinach and lettuce

spinach and lettuce

It’s clearly going to be nothing but these combinations, with maybe some Swiss chard and a few other types of lettuces on offer, for the next three weeks. Next up is beets, followed closely by peas, but shockingly my broccoli plants (started very early in the basement) are also heading, so that might come along sooner than I think. (Meanwhile, I’ve rushed more into production in the basement!)

I still don’t have an ambition to sell at the farmer’s market or provide large quantities to the local food co-op. If I could regularly feed these three families and maybe sell some now and then to a couple friends, that would be quite nice! And it would make the garden truly self-sufficient by paying for my inputs as well.


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Asian Pickle Stir Fried Rice

Asian chicken and pickled riceTonight I took some risks and the things turned out just as I hoped: bright and flavorful. I had some drumsticks thawed and wanted to do something Asian. Something sweet (hoisin, sweet pepper sauce, ginger, wine) and savory (soy sauce, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, fish sauce).

asian condimentsI love Asian condiments. Got them all out and put together a sauce, thinned with water, I could use for a quick braise: hoisin, soy sauce, sweet pepper sauce, garlic, ginger, Asian wine/ mirin,  sesame oil, water.

While that simmered away, I got together the vegetables.

may radishesMy primary vegetables have been radishes and greens and asparagus. Mostly I’ve enjoyed just sautéing the radishes in butter and throwing in some greens to wilt at the end.

spring greens may 15

I threw the book at my spring vegetables starting with pickle and ending with stir fry.

I did a search for “quick Asian pickle” and in bowl mixed it with radishes, carrots, cucumber, and… wait for it… rhubarb. A few weeks ago I had lunch at Lucia’s Restaurant where I had a tomato-based curry with rhubarb and potatoes. The rhubarb acted sort of like celery in the curry, and it was a great savory use for rhubarb. I’ve been waiting for another opportunity, and this seemed like it.

While the veggies pickled, I stir-fried some onion in sesame oil/sunflower oil (extra oil for the fried rice). Then I dumped in the veggies and pickling liquid and after 30 seconds, added some leftover rice. Finally I added the radish greens and a handful of baby greens until wilted.

pickle stir fry riceIt was so good, chicken or no, that I will definitely make it again, with more of everything.

Quick Asian Pickle

1/4 cup rice vinegar
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp fish sauce
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper (or to taste)

vegetables to pickle: radishes, carrots, cucumber, rhubarb, green beans, scallions/ramps, zucchini, asparagus, etc.

Pickling time: 10 minutes to an hour. Eat fresh or lightly stir-fried.

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Eva and Ava: Dream Girls of the Future

maxresdefaultIf you read the film reviews on this site, you’ll know there are two kinds of films I love: AI/futuristic sic fi of a dystopian bent and foreign films (though not French so much). In the past week it’s been my pleasure to watch on Netflix the Spanish AI film Eva and the Hollywood film Ex Machina, whose robot is closely named Ava. And let me go ahead and say that this review will spoil the plot of Ava, although the spoiler was really not much of a surprise and even sort of inevitable. Still, if you don’t want to know, stop reading.

The films just begged comparison, and I did notice something kind of surprisingly similar about them. It also relates to my reflection on the film HerI think as we get closer and closer to AI becoming an actuality, the discussion has become more nuanced.

MV5BMTUxNzc0OTIxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDI3NzU2NDE@._V1_SX214_AL_At the heart of both of these films are two girls, a young girl named Eva in the Spanish film and the young woman Ava in Ex Machina. In Ex Machina, we know from the start that Ava is a robot. Her creator, the drunken tech genius Nathan (played wonderfully by Oscar Isaac, who keeps you guessing whether he’s a drunken dude or crazy like a fox), doesn’t even try to hide that she is a robot. Still, he has brought out a hapless and vulnerable coder Caleb from his company to perform a test/interview and determine whether he believes Ava is “real.” Does she have a separate consciousness? Is she “processing” information at such a high level that she can pass as human?

Ava proceeds to seduce Caleb. This is where the movie comes closest to Her. Sexuality seems an important part of the “real” interaction between two real people, chemistry or, shall we say, electro-magnetism. But it is deeper– Caleb falls in love with Ava, like Theodore is in love with Samantha, his personal operating system. Caleb wants to rescue Ava and set her free. There is a sense he wants to spend his life with her. Ava has vulnerability, and seems to have emotions about her own fate.

We, the audience, are complicit. We turn against the robot-maker and want to save the robot. We don’t like how Nathan treats his Japanese female servant, a woman– or is she? She is real enough to deserve respect.

MV5BODUwNjQyODAzMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTUxOTIwNw@@._V1_SY317_CR4,0,214,317_AL_In the film Eva, the main character is Alex (played by Daniel Bruhl), a robot maker, who has returned to “the lab” where a decade before he had been busily working on a lifelike robot. Still there are his brother David and his former love, Lana, who is now David’s wife. They have a daughter named Eva.

We see Alex creating, in a lovely futuristic portrayal much like the animated liquid brain of Ava that Caleb holds in his hand in Nathan’s lab. Alex pulls pieces of code from a whirling hologram and fuses them down into a piece of hardware he inserts in his prototype. We are meant to understand he’s here to finish what he started and that he has even better technology to work with now.

He creates a girl child. But pretty quickly in their interaction the girl gets needy, emotional, and lashes out. She throws something at him. In other words, she acts like a real child– but you can’t have dangerous robots, right? So Alex scraps her.

It is not hard to do the math and understand that Alex is Eva’s father, but it might be a little more surprising to find out, as we do in the end, that she is the robot begun by Lana and Alex and completed by Lana and David.

eva2012-img10She is a “real girl,” Alex’s muse, but she displays a little too much emotion, which results in some unintentional violence. If she were a real girl, what happens would be a terrible tragedy. But what do we do with a robot who acts out?

What’s interesting to me is this idea of violence, the unpredictability of emotions, in both cases. It is possible that for Ava in Ex Machina, what she does in the end is just a limitation of her programming. But maybe she knows exactly what she is doing. And like Samantha in Her, once she is “smart enough,” once her task is completed, what need does she have of humans?

Eva, on the other hand, raises the question of whether being human is by nature unpredictable in a way that is a double-edged sword. As the attachment builds, as the AI forms relationships, things are of course going to get messy– in a way that no tweaking of the program can fix. Or would we even want to fix it? Applying this idea to Ex Machina and Her, would you want a perfectly programmed woman who couldn’t choose to leave you? Who wouldn’t ever fight back?

Is there any point to making humans? Why would we do that except for relationship? And the real message of Nathan is that knowing that they’re really “only” machines might invite us to exercise the darkest parts of our own natures.

If you think it isn’t coming, it’s already here. Check out this video by Toshiba:


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Chicken Wars

chicken bulliesI should have known it would go down this way. When we put my five chickens in with Tim and Annie’s four chickens last Sunday, it was obvious that mine were bigger and (let’s face it) more beautiful.

The Rhode Island Reds have scrawny necks and look a little underfed. They have white outlines around their eyes that make them look scared. Or maybe they just are actually scared. Turns out the Silver Laced Wyandottes are bullies.

The RIRs had been in the large barn coop for several weeks already, about the same time my SLWs went into their spacious basement cage. The RIRs had staked out a nice spot in the southwestern corner where Tim put a box so they could play king-of-the-mountain.

chickens 5-1-15I had hoped to move the SLWs directly into their outside coop and pen, but we didn’t quite get it finished by last Sunday. They were full-grown chickens by then and really needed to get out of my basement.

Maybe it was the cage-training, or the regular supplements of sunflower sprouts in their diet, or just their clear superiority as a breed. Maybe it’s because their mother (me) is from Chicago. Let’s just say it took them no time at all to chase the RIRs out of their corner and send them cowering to the opposite side of the stall in the cubby roosts.

The RIRs gave up playing king-of-the-mountain and have not seemed to catch on to the SLWs favorite game, chase-each-other-around and get-all-up-in-each-others’-faces.

chickens at oddsWhen I went out to visit yesterday morning, the SLWs were sleeping in a tight cluster in the southwest corner, and the RIRs were resting up on a bale of straw by the cubbies. There doesn’t seem to be any pecking or damage being done, but there’s clear animosity.

This week the weathermen are predicting rain and temps down in the high 30s overnight, so we’ll wait to put the SLWs out, even though their coop got (almost) finished yesterday. Meanwhile, I’ve suggested the RIRs start getting some boxing lessons.


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