The Season

august counterIt’s been a strange season in the garden. No two years have been alike, it’s true, but this season has been like a series of mini-explosions. I think I can still stand by my statement that it’s the best season I’ve had. I had peas, but I didn’t have cauliflower. Still, who cares about cauliflower? I’d much rather have peas!

I’ve also clearly learned some things, which masks the success/failure equation in the garden. The arrival of produce hasn’t overwhelmed me as much as in past years. I kind of know what to do with it, and so am able to shift from one thing to another.

Yes, there are fruit flies on my counter, and I wish the tomatoes would get ripe at the same time so I could go ahead and do a big bunch of canning, instead of a few jars here and there.

I’ve been surprised already by some large leeks. By the quality of the garlic. By the peppers, which look fantastic and hang heavily on their healthy stems despite the lack of hot weather.

But my refrigerator is not stuffed to the gills. I am not opening drawers wondering what I have to eat NOW to save it from the compost pile. I have a bucket of damp sand and carrots in the cool garage. I have a pail of potatoes. And the onions are small but working great in the canning recipes.

rabbit fenceStill, this is the year that the animals arrived. Some very good ones– there are frogs in the garden! Some bad ones. I’ve seen rabbits, voles, field mice and 13-striped ground squirrels at various times in the raised beds.  We killed the gophers, but they gave us a run for our money. I finally relented and today put up some rabbit fencing around two beds just to get some fall lettuce, spinach, radishes and beets. (We’ll be stapling it to the sides of the beds tomorrow.)

beans in jarsThere are lots of beneficial insects, including bees everywhere doing their pollinating duty. But there have also been cucumber beetles, which slowed or did in some things. After the collapse of the cucumber trellis and what looked like it would be a banner year there, squash bugs and powdery mildew set in and I was lucky to get enough to make the pickles for Christmas. And though I’ve been “sharing” the bean plants with critters, they have moved from the vines to the bean pods themselves.

The bean pods, which are legion, aren’t drying in this cool, misty weather, but also look to be molding and some have been chewed open just enough to ruin the beans. So I’m starting to harvest them once they’ve plumped the pods but before they’ve dried out.

august mealSTILL… let’s make no mistake. We’ve been eating like kings all summer. I mean for real. Even the saddest tomato plants in the world are producing these fantastic jeune flamme orange tomatoes and gorgeous saladette red tomatoes. I have enough salsa now, too, for Christmas. With a little hot, dry weather, I’ll get my usual 10 quarts, or more, of canned tomatoes. And I’ve already got 1 quart and 1 pint of those shell beans, as much as I harvested in total last year, and I’m about 1/4 the way into the harvest…

Which is to say, it’s been a kick ass summer. Despite the critters and my total loss of control of the weed situation in the bean/potato bed, and the cool, damp weather.

I think I’m getting the hang of it.

sad tomato plants

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Daily Harvests

1502899_10203743642145314_8491411570701596963_oI’m thinking next year I might do a little photo project and during June-October take photos of what I harvest every day. Or, you know, maybe just for August and September. Because every day I fill as many pails as I take out to the garden. My counter is covered with produce.10518701_10203750313552095_529257481961673295_n

People ask me if I spend a lot of time in the garden, ore more often they ask how much time I spend in they garden. I really don’t spend more than 3-5 hours/week out there at any time except the spring when I’m getting things set up. But I do spend a lot of time in the kitchen. A lot of time.

10583069_10203743644225366_1076494706471512664_oOf course, I bring it upon myself. I want to do something with these veggies. I want to save them, sure, but I also want to treat them well in my dinners. I read a lot of online recipes, and until recently I was on FB groups for gardeners, CSA subscribers and food preservers. I also get recipes in my e-mail inbox. I’ve hopped off a couple of the groups because, well, I just can’t take it anymore!

I’ve got enough on my hands right here in the kitchen.

And, of course, I’ve got this year of ferment going on. So last night I harvested two of my four cabbages and began my first ever sauerkraut. I’m so excited.

photo-10All you do is chop up the cabbage, mix in a few teaspoons of salt, mix it with your hands until there’s enough liquid to cover the cabbage, then put it into a crock or, in my case, my handy gallon size Fermented Vegetable Master (which is much cheaper than a crock kit and has the great airlock to eliminate airborne bacteria getting into the crock). I will leave it on the counter to ferment for 14-30 days (I’ll start tasting after 14 days) and then it goes in the fridge in jars. Even though my cabbages aren’t napa style, I’m thinking I’ll use the other two for kimchi after this ferment is done.



photo-6All I can say is, I’m so happy when tomato season comes. Oh, sure, they fill the counters and I have to start figuring out the salsa production and canning.

But also, they make for super easy dinners. It’s the official beginning of pasta season, where a few tomatoes, garlic, onion and a pepper in a pan make a delicious sauce, topped with basil and parmesan.



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Simple Pleasures

10557336_10203702978208741_1218976641574570394_nI’m thinking about seriously curtailing my social media participation. It is making me anxious. It has always made me anxious, but I realize it feeds certain kinds of pressure… particularly my competitive nature when it comes to the garden and food.

I’m having seven women over to my house on Saturday. I’m already mad at the prairie for not maintaining it’s peak glory into mid-August. Why can’t they be coming when it’s all purple cone flowers and bergamot and rudbeckia and lead plant and and and?? Will they really just get to see some droopy yellow coneflowers and the incoming goldenrod?

IMG_8583And what about my pantry? The pickles aren’t ready! There’s only the single jar of salsa? Will I be OK if I start making the sauces on Friday afternoon?

The cucumbers seem to be slowing down… and the beans. Will I have enough for the salads I have planned? The dill is dying– will there be enough?

We are talking about 7 people here. Completely non-judgy, happy-to-be-here women. You do realize that I host Easter for 24-30, right? And in fact, even when it is just Steve’s daughters and the farm families, 10497515_10203725569213502_2968719847431240719_oit is 12 people… Why am I freaking out?



I am blaming this self-imposed pressure on our glorious meal last night. Truly the apex of the summer cooking. I had some poblano peppers, beauties, that I wanted to stuff and grill. I ended up putting a little dab of goat cheese in each one and grilling them until blistered. Over the top I put a mixture of local sweet corn, rice, garlic, shallot, and local ground lamb. I used the rest of the pound of lamb to make lamb burgers a la kofta from the Jerusalem cookbook. With shallot, garlic, red pepper, herbs… Over the top of both of these things I put a salsa verde made of garden herbs and lemon juice with the addition of two tomatillos.

I know. I’ve lost my mind. It was Monday night. Steve stumbled in from work in a daze and ate this stuff. I worked hard on this dish, and it did not disappoint. For good measure, and because some tomatoes were really about to go over the edge, I made a caprese salad. Seriously. Losing my mind.

Tonight, I pulled it all back. Somewhat sullen, I just went out to the garden to see what was there. I hauled in some more beans, and took advantage of “testing” some of the plumped shell beans, including some nicely developing scarlet runner beans. I cut up the various pole beans, simmered them in water with the shell beans. Then added the kernels from the remaining corn from last night. Oh, and a few small tomatoes. Blistered another poblano and chopped that up, too. And made a simple vinaigrette of balsamic, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice. Poured it over the so-called salad.

And OMG, it was delicious. I didn’t bother to take a photo because it didn’t really count in the pantheon of garden dishes.

And so I decided not to sweat the August gathering on Saturday. Whatever we have in the garden, I will make it. And it will be sooooo good.

I’m pretty sure there’s going to be stuff in the garden on Saturday.




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bean-to 8-6-14We’ve had really the best summer possible. The wet spring meant great germination (and even enough cool weather for peas!) and although it’s been dry since June, it’s also been hot enough for the tomatoes, peppers and winter squash to do their thing. So far (knock on wood) we’ve had no hail or major storms to wreak havoc with the crops.

In fact, the garden has completely overflowed its banks and the aisles between the raised beds are so full of vines it is hard to get in there and see, let alone harvest, the produce.

Yesterday when I went cuke trellis collapseout to hunt for cucumbers, I found that the jute netting I’d put over the trellis collapsed. Collapsed from the weight of cucumber vines! It’s unprecedented in my garden. This has been my favorite trellis, and I was sad to see that the online supply store is no longer carrying this great boxy jute netting that you can put on it to hold the vines and keep the cukes off the ground. Now I know why! The netting completely collapsed, and when I tried to attach it on different rungs, it just kept breaking! It was a mess. But hey, cucumbers do fine vining along the ground. It was three years before I even started trellising them. And now I understand why Gardener’s Supply has replaced this item with sturdier biodegradable netting that looks like plastic (but is made of plant fibers).

On the other side of the garden, the bean wall has also fallen. I set up some stakes on ropes to support the wall in the wind, but the wind seems to have shifted, or something. The bean wall now lies on the three stakes quite nicely. In fact, the beans often point down away from the vines for easier harvesting! It’s less a wall and more a lean-to. Or a bean-to.

cool old squash early augustEvery day I gasp at the size of the winter squash. Seriously, the words “State Fair” come to mind whenever I’m out there. The Cool Old Squash has several fruits, and one of them was growing so large so fast that it started swelling over a corner of the raised bed. I lifted it up so it could swell more freely and to avoid the nasty corner scar. That thing could be putting on weight for another three weeks before harvest!

The Tahitian squash are also turning out to be these enormous ropy things. And the delicata is not at all delicate. I have squash bugs, which I think have dissuaded the watermelons from producing, but even they cannot stop these squash plants.

tomatoes 8-6-14Still, if I were a betting woman, I’d put my money for the next collapse on the tomato and tomatillo forest. Despite pruning and blight, these plants are setting all kinds of fruit.

It’s a wilderness out there. I wish you could come hike it with me.

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August: Preparing for Round Two


Thursday was a cleaning day in the garden. I pulled out the pea vines and the last of the beets (they really weren’t going to get any bigger) and turned over the beet and garlic beds to prepare them for fall planting. A childhood friend was visiting this week and when we were at the pea fence, she wondered why we weren’t picking the oversized snow peas.

I explained that I was leaving them so the poor snow pea plants would think they were able to have babies. I figure each plant is driven by one thing only: making and leaving seed. This is why they start over-producing if you keep picking the fruit. Shell peas don’t do this as much. They aren’t motivated, because you let their peas/seeds plump out fully before picking. But snow peas get grabbed up the second they’re an edible length. The poor vines start putting out tons of snow peas– as fast as they can– until they get giant in a day, pale and often misshapen. Anything to make peas. I feel for them and so just stop picking, even though a snow pea pod can be chopped and thrown in a stir fry long after it’s prime material.

from the bag of La Ratte

from the bag of La Ratte

While I was out there, I got tempted to empty out two seriously underperforming potato bags as well. Proving, once again, that even a bad year for potatoes is a good year.

This year looks to be a very, very good year for potatoes out in the potato bed. The La Ratte potatoes have vined like crazy and the plants are just now starting to die back. The potato bags have not fared as well, except for the Elmer’s Blue. I planted four special varieties in bags this year that I purchased from Curzio Caravati of the Kenosha Potato Project. They have struggled in the bags with a variety of pests and some dry periods (inconsistent watering by the gardener), but all of them put out vines.

cups rose potatoesI emptied out two bags, one of the Cups pink variety of potatoes in a homemade bag and the other a larger blue bag that had some La Ratte tubers in it. And guess what– potatoes! Not a lot of potatoes, and yes, kinda small (the vines were dying but not completely died back; the photo above is from two weeks ago. I just was very curious to see if there was anything in there). When you think about the size and quantity of the potato seed I put in the bag (think the three tiniest potatoes above), even these paltry plants quadrupled their yield. In the case of the La Rattes, maybe eight-ten times the yield. If this is a glimpse of the future (i.e., late August), we’re going to have many, many potatoes.

IMG_8510I’m not sure about the potato bag experiment. We’ll see when all the potatoes are harvested. It is very nice to have that extended growing space. It is a pain to have to keep them watered. But, you know, potatoes!

I think what we’re going to discover is that after three years of amending the clay bed where I’ve been growing beans, potatoes and onions, rotating them back and forth, that large area is quite productive and probably all I need. I also think in the future I won’t pay the big bucks for fancy seed potatoes. They are, after all, potatoes.

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Getting All Foodie

IMG_8592It is the year of beans. The wall o’ beans has been putting out copious amounts of purple, yellow, and striated beans, and there have been green bush beans, too. Even with the deer or rabbits nibbling the tops, I am gonna have a ton of beans.

IMG_8579Right now they’re skinny and tender and gorgeous, so I’m just starting with the canning. I’m not a HUGE fan of dilly beans, so I went looking for a few different recipes. I now am part of two Facebook groups that are very foodie, making all sorts of concoctions, and it’s pushing me a bit.

I made three jars (I love the 1 1/2 pint tall jars) of straight up dilly beans: garlic, dill head,  piece of red pepper in a brine of vinegar/water/pickling salt.

I made another three jars of a spicy version: allspice, mustard seeds, peppercorn, dill head, garlic, red pepper. I was kind of intrigued by the allspice.

IMG_8583This morning I made a third kind, definitely of the foodie variety. I got it from Emeril’s site, so I figure it is safe and not too out there. I also replaced the white wine vinegar with apple cider, and I don’t know why. Otherwise I followed his recipe: a sprig of rosemary, a 3″ piece of lemon peel, a clove of garlic, and a brine of vinegar (2 cups white, 1/2 cup apple cider in my case… he calls for 2 1/2 cups white wine vinegar), 2 1/2 cups water, 2 Tbs sugar and 2 Tbs canning salt. Rosemary-lemon seems like a winning combination to me!

nasturtium hot sauce in jar


And, in an even more foodie move, here is my jar of nasturtium hot sauce. This was posted to one of the pages and comes from here. I love nasturtiums as a flower and especially since they are edible. Usually I just put them on the side of the plate and eat them after the meal!

I had so many flowers on my plant this year (it’s supposed to share a container with a thai pepper plant but it has sort of taken over), that this seemed a possibility.



nasturtium hot sauceI kept the nasturtiums in the vinegar with the pepper and garlic and gave it a little shake every morning for a week. I did add a few more flowers mid-week, and so I let it go longer. Then I made another batch the following week. Enough to get this jar. I only had yellow flowers so the liquid looks, well, a little “specimeny.” (I do have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.)  That did make me laugh. And I have no idea what to do with it, but maybe if I get a fancy jar and work on my labeling skills it will look even better!

And hey. Aren’t I all gourmet.


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Mature Prairie, part 2

IMG_8576Six years ago today, Steve and I got married and I moved onto this prairie. At that time, the main prairie behind our house was about five years old. Other pieces of land were being killed, and a few plots were either taking hold or being taken over by reed canary grass.

IMG_8564This year, after a lot more prairie burns, more spraying, planting, cutting thistle, and new prairie plots encroaching on the commons, the biggest pleasure has been the mature prairie below our bedroom window.

In an earlier post, I talked about the way that prairie was coming in after the spring burn, with spaces between the flowers and grasses. The war on the weeds seems finally won, and there’s a gentle beauty to this prairie.

The beauty has come in waves, purple, yellow, and white, as the flowers take turns blooming. Right now, there’s a wave of tick trefoil through the prairie, and the bergamot and coneflowers are just coming in.


It’s hard in a photograph to capture the scope of the prairie.

In the first years, I would walk around with my camera, chronicling and learning the names of all the new flowers. Looking for new, bright blooms.

IMG_8572There is still new prairie, bursting with its recent seeding, along the edge of the lawn. I know the flowers better now, but each year I have to be reminded of their names.

IMG_8575Every flower is a revelation, and I’m constantly stopped in my tracks by the beauty of where I live. It’s a life I couldn’t imagine ten years ago. And I swear, I can’t look out our dining room window without seeing monarch butterflies dancing in the breeze. It’s like those online Jacquie Lawson cards my aunt sends me each year for my birthday.

But what I really love is the mature prairie, not the gaudy, stuffed plots of flowers of the first years. And yes, there is a metaphor in that.


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Berry Hoarders

berriesWhen that zombie apocalypse I’ve been predicting comes to pass, do you know who will be ready? Middle-class moms who have decided they want their families to eat healthier, that’s who. If you want to know how to prepare, go hang out in your local berry fields.

I’ve noticed this every time I’ve been berry picking. Yesterday I went out to a blueberry place I tried twice last year without success (they were “picked out” both times I got there). I was anxious and driving fast. “Must. Get. More. Berries.” I needn’t have worried; the bushes were gorgeous and loaded down with berries. They just dropped into your hands. (The moms thought they were a little small, compared to other places they’ve been.)

And, per usual, a few rows over were a couple moms with kids in the 8-12 range. They were picking flats, I mean flats, of blueberries. They were picking enough blueberries for an army.

And as they picked, they talked. “What are you going to do with your blueberries?” one asked.

“I’ll make a couple of pies, but most of them I’ll freeze.”

Then they talked about other fruit they’ve gotten this season. “The strawberries weren’t as good this year. All the rain and cold weather.”

“I used to be one of the regulars at Lodermeiers.” [The Lodermeiers had a famous berry operation that closed down about 10 years ago. The size, quantity, and sweetness of their berries is legendary.]

“Oh, me too. Why did they close that place down?”

“None of the next generation wanted to keep it up, I guess. You have good years and bad years, and it’s a lot of work.”

“I didn’t get many strawberries this year. I got 50 pounds of peaches, though, from this man in Eden Valley. He gets things by the truckload and you can just reserve what you want to buy from him.”


“Yes, a friend of mine knew about it and got me on his list.”

“The cherries have been good this year, did you notice?”

“I got two lugs at the local market. How much were the peaches?”

“Thirty dollars for 25 pounds, straight from Georgia.”

“That’s really good.”

“We got a couple buckets of cherries, too. I set up the kids with the pitter and we just went through and processed the whole lot of them in a couple hours. Pitted, bagged, and in the freezer.”

For the apocalypse, I do hope they have generators, because the freezer going down will be the only thing to stop them.

At another berry farm two weeks ago, I saw some enterprising women splitting up the task. One went for blueberries with the kids while the other hit the raspberries.

Yesterday I found my first mammoth zucchini, and so I started the zucchini bread making (throwing in a few handfuls of blueberries). And that means today I had to start up the basement freezer. Last year there was a mishap and it got unplugged in early December. Usually we eat out of it until spring, when I turn it off. It feels good to tuck in the first few bags of pesto, the zucchini bread, and the berries.

I’ll be using my two bags of blueberries and strawberries in smoothies and oatmeal. Those lucky kids whose moms took this seriously, though, they’ll be eating muffins every day for a year.

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big green squashI’m not sure what’s going on with my winter squash. They look weird.

I planted four kinds of winter squash this year: butternut, delicata (the queen of squash), tahitian (supposed to be a long-necked butternut) and a couple seeds called “Cool Old Squash” (in Anishinaabe: Gete-okosomin) from the White Earth Reservation Seed Collection. I picked up a few of the seeds at a seed swap in February. Here is a link to a radio program with Winona LaDuke speaking about how the seed was found, what the squash looks like, and a recipe: baked squash canoes filled with wild rice and maple syrup!

I think I also planted a hill of pumpkin seeds, though they were a few years old. All the seeds except the White Earth seed (um, and maybe the pumpkins?) were purchased from seed companies, so I had high expectations of their quality (i.e., no cross-breeding). I planted them in a few hills in my ample new raised beds. The germination rate was uneven, but I did end up with several good looking plants that are vining away. I even started a couple inside (delicata and butternut) and moved them out into the beds.

They started flowering early and then some fruits appeared. Not butternut. Not long-necked. Definitely not delicata. Two kinds: this big green squash that doesn’t look like it’s going to suddenly turn into a butternut squash (above), and this other funny yellow one. I fear the big green squash might be from my own pumpkin seeds and have crossed with butternut.

cool old squash 7-20-14The yellow one looks like a banana squash, and that is good. The Gete-okosomin is a banana squash, yellow and orange with green at the end. And they are supposed to get big (8-30 lbs/ 2 1/2 feet?), which it seems like these are going to do.

There are other flowers on other plants. So I could still get some butternut squash or Tahitian or even delicata. But if worst comes to worst, I believe I will eat well on cool old squash all winter…

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My Beautiful Failures

syrupy jamsI should be kicked off the internets. Really. Yesterday I grossly misrepresented myself with a status update and photo of some gorgeous jars purporting to be blueberry-rhubarb jam and raspberry jam. People “liked” them so much. Someone even offered to pay money for one of them.

But this morning I sat there shifting the jars back and forth and realizing that, while the blueberry-rhubarb jam was sort of passable, the raspberry jam is definitely syrup. Not set.

I was much better at making jam when I didn’t know how to do it. Back then I was forced to follow a recipe. And I consulted it many, many times during the making of the jam.

This time, I used a recipe on my own blog!! So, you see, it gets worse. I not only misrepresented, I have also grossly misled people. And I was feeling really good about myself, too, because the photo on the original post of the blueberry-rhubarb jam is my one photo that got picked up on Pinterest. And it is all over Pinterest. It rules the blueberry-rhubarb jam category on Pinterest. And that batch really was good.

img_6245But going back this morning to the Ball canning recipe, I see that one should not do as I instructed and after boiling the fruit and sugar for one full minute take off the heat and add the pectin then put in jars. One should add the pectin and then bring to a full boil while stirring constantly for one minute. Doesn’t that make more sense? And the people at Ball (who made the jars so must know what they’re talking about) also cook the fruit and lemon juice down first, then add the sugar all at once, incorporate, and add the pectin when it gets to a full boil, stir for one minute, then put in the canning jars. Everything about that makes sense.

berriesIn the final analysis, these jars are full of berries I picked myself at the peak of ripeness and on the same day mixed with sugar, lemon juice, and 1/2 Tbs of butter, then put in jars and boiled until they sealed. The contents will be delicious on pancakes and on ice cream and oatmeal and on yogurt. It can even be drizzled onto Popovers and on English muffins. Last night I spread some of the remnant blueberry-rhubarb stuff on a graham cracker with cream cheese on it. The stuff that dripped off, I just licked up with my finger. Problem solved.

blueberry syrup drink


Oh, and this afternoon, I was simmering some wonderful blueberry-thyme syrup and while it was going, I decided to just do a quick walk around the garden. Nothing big. Didn’t even take a bucket.

Got distracted and harvested most of the onions (55, so total of roughly 75 this season).

When I came back, it was more like jam than syrup. I dutifully strained it and put it in a fancy bottle that used to have vinegar in it. When I mixed it in my seltzer for a taste, it sank straight to the bottom. Enough stirring, though, and it cooperated. And with a sprig of thyme in it, it looks so fancy.

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